Adding Read-only permissions to Exchange 2007 Auditing Logs


I was asked today to add a permission to the Exchange Auditing log which is included with Exchange 2007 SP2 installations to simplify auditing,
after activating Mailbox Access Auditing , I was requested to allow read only permissions to the IT Security group.

What seemed to be quite straight forward, was soon to be changed with SDDL ACL format….

Here’s the quick how-to:

– Note, this was done on a Windows 2008 server

  1. Identify the SID of the user/group you wish to allow access.
    Using powershell you can easily find it e.g:
    Get-User | Select SID
    Get-Group | Select SID
  2. Then following this KB – Which was the most simple and self-explained, add the appropriate permissions. – each event log is located in the registry at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesEventLog
    the Exchange Auditing log is also located there, and in that key you will find an existing CustomSD string value with the ACL’s in the SDDL format ( more info in the links I added below )
    I was required to add read-only permissions to the IT Audit group, which is a “regular” group, without special domain / enterprise rights,
    so in my case i used the following:
    (A;;0x1;;; [Your Group Name/user account SID])
    so appended that to the existing CustomSD value.
  3. Restart the server.
  4. Now the user/group can access the Exchange Auditing log from any computer 🙂

Links: – White Paper: Configuration and Mailbox Access Auditing for Exchange 2007 Organizations – Writing to the Windows Event Log from an ASP.NET or ASP application fails. – How to set event log security locally or by using Group Policy in Windows Server 2003 – Also useful if you’d like to set this via GPO

Happy Auditing !

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