So you’ve purchased Microsoft’s Enterprise Mobility Suite (EMS) licenses, now you need to assign them to users within your organization. A typical situation will be that you already have Office 365 licensed users, and it make sense that all of them will get EMS licenses too.
To achieve this, I would suggest using an Azure AD group with Dynamic Group membership. in this example, the group will include accounts that match ALL these conditions:
- Enabled users accounts
- Users with an email address
- Users with a-non empty Usage Location
- Synchronized user accounts
Within the Azure AD management portal ( navigate to your Active Directory tenant, and perform the following:
- Create a group in Azure AD
- Enable it for Dynamic Membership
- Enter the advanced rule: (user.accountEnabled -eq “true”) AND (user.mail -ne $null) AND (user.usageLocation -ne $null) AND (user.dirSyncEnabled -eq true)
- Assign EMS licenses to the Group
You can read more about Dynamic Group Membership here:
You can also assign licenses with the following methods:
- Using the Office 365 Portal – like you would add Office 365 licenses. This was made available late 2015 –
- Using Azure AD PowerShell – ,you can use the following example to assign EMS licenses (with all options) only to users with an Office 365 E3 license:
$EMSSKU = (Get-MsolAccountSku | ? { $_.AccountSkuID -like "*:EMS"})[0].accountSkuId
Get-MsolUser -All | ? { $_.licenses.accountsku.SkuPartNumber -eq "ENTERPRISEPACK"} | Set-MsolUserLicense -AddLicenses $EMSSKU - Azure AD Graph API –
I want to assign only the AADP part of the EMS to my E3 users. I don’t want to Assign the Intune license. is there a command to do exceptions?